Personal information
Time zone:
Little about your self:
hi all, my name is jerome, 27 years old from the netherlands. I work in a hotel, wich sucks for my raiding times unfortunatly, hence why im looking for a new guild. Im currently a member of Fury of Redemption, lovely people all together but i have to work on their raid nights.
What are you looking for in a guild?
Im looking for a guild that is helpfull, social and does some raiding without having massive nerdrages when stuff doesnt go as planned.
Character information
Name: voxer
Class: druid
Professions: alchemy ( elixer mastery) and herbalism
Spec: resto main, boomkin off
How long have you been playing this character?
ugh good question. id say a few years but cant really remember.. got a lot of characters
Tell us a little about your raiding experience (not limited to WoW).
i started in wow with bc, love karazhan, stil think its the best raid they have made! didnt go to far there though, done maggy and gruul back in the days. then with WOTLK i did naxx and icc. the guild i was in didnt really do ulduar sadly, then with Cata i did dragonsoul ofc. and now looking to clear some panda stuff! atm im ilvl 478 and going. Hope to get a chance to raid with you guys. my raiding days are mondays and 1 other day that varies each week